I've saw verymuch pacman movies
But this is 1 of the best :)
I've saw verymuch pacman movies
But this is 1 of the best :)
Wow i never expected anyone to give me a review like that!! thankyou!!... :D
Was it really happens to you?
Cool who was u anyway the blue 1 or red?
i'm the blue one
Another short ,YaY!
That was cool ,but WTF was the second shorty?:P
Did you lil' bro did this?:P
Meh--I knew not everone would appreciate the stereotype....
WOww!!!Amazing!!The most of the clay movies are clittery and goes like there's an earthquake...Just UNLIKE yours!!!You are good (especially the matrix series) GO on!!!!!You're pretty populair on NG!
more matrixs are ah coming
This gotta be the intro 4 newgrounds!
thanks i agree with u
that sucked
the jason-clock and the canabis-clock we're drawed good,but the rest...Jagh!...Never make the puppets 'gain!
Er thanks for the scores, but the comments annoyed me. Yes they were drawn well (not by me), but whats wrong with the muppets? Is it because they're gay? Show some respect!!!
you know,this movie contains NO AXTION!
this sux dude!but could do it better try harder next time!
(i know you work with swish but you can do good things with swish!i use it 2!)
Swish, or any variation of it was actully not used on this movie just flash and photoshop.. What needs to be understood is that it is MEANT to be crude, the whole point of this movie is randomness, the 2 second building drawings and car that is cut in half is EXACTLY what we were shooting for.
Please check out my Youtube account too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5EYVymQDsozXd2HcTLSNTQ You can't spell "DJJ-Asshole" without "Asshole". You can take DJJ out of the asshole, but you can't take the asshole out of DJJ.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 8/17/03